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圣奧特在俄羅斯電影設備展2017 KINO EXPO

來(lái)源:admin? 瀏覽:290次

WELCOME TO KINO EXPO INTERNATIONAL 2017 and  by KINO EXPO, your gateway to one of the world’s fastest growing cinema / TV / digital media and entertainment industry markets of Russia and neighboring CIS and Baltic countries.

Now at the new ExpoForum Convention Center – the best venue of all, where world’s cinema industry/content conventions take place.

KINO EXPO INTERNATIONAL is the world 3rd largest international film exhibition industry convention, while  is the only event in Russia/CIS for showcasing and trading content for all platforms, including theatrical, TV and digital.

俄羅斯電影設備展KINO EXPO成立于1999年,作為世界上第三大國際電影設備會(huì )展,也是俄羅斯在影劇院設備,娛樂(lè )產(chǎn)業(yè)以及國際電影方面唯一的最具影響力的年度會(huì )展活動(dòng)。在此,最新的電影,最先進(jìn)的設備技術(shù)將會(huì )得到展示,同時(shí)也為國際經(jīng)銷(xiāo)商,廠(chǎng)商與當地影劇院運營(yíng)商,電視頻道和媒體提供了良好的商務(wù)及技術(shù)交流機會(huì )。


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